Architectural Concepts

Enhancing architectural concepts for buildings

Beginning this year with a straightforward residential module; various window designs and their placement aim to create a peaceful and well-lightful living environment. Using materials such as concrete, glass, and metal integrated into the structural elements, windows, and door frames to enhance the overall aesthetic.

Exploring the interpretation of residential assembly or district further. A differentiated ornament created through the use of windows in various directions could offer a unique perspective on each building, while maintaining the integrity of the shared views.

Distinctive in its character and perspective, this district stands out among other residential areas.

Another project will be a hostel tailored exclusively for Jaht Club beach enthusiasts.

Design presentation -EXPO pavilion envisioned to be spacious, luminous, and cost-effective. The windows play a central role in this design concept. Key building materials include concrete, glass, and metal, with particular emphasis on incorporating a metal framework for the windows.

Colourful facade matter to residential purposes, developed areas with additional facilities at ground floor. Bicycle parking place images possible to find under menue " Industrial Design".

Among the lot of newest issues for typically designed project for modern shopping center ,may I consider some of traditional decorative and constructive elements for using in such buildings. Where also will be possible to adjust the colour pattern for stones used or /and in constructive elements, goaled to differentiated construction.  Such view of a shopping center might be achieved by application of several new techniques for cover layers and materials , also for a  stone or concrete . It is for sure could be done in a building phase, by using responsible materials.  Primarily stone, metallic scaled loft and traditionally windows.

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